Saturday, November 14, 2009

How to Run Ads on Your Blog!

I have seen too many blogs filled to the brim with ads, ads like Google AdSense, textlink Ads, banners, links, and many more. When I see a blog that has five or six banners in a row at the bottom of the sidebar or blog, lined up unevenly, just makes me want to run away screaming. And what's to worry about is that even in these ads is something to readers that they will be interested by what is the theme of the blog.

It is one thing, some people simply have no interest in blogging do so at all. All they want to do is earn money in cash (which causes overflow of ads). Well, it does not work that way. You need determination and you have to be in it for something more than money. Admittedly, I too blogged for money - but I also do it because I like it, and I've had many blogs before this that had not monetized at all. In fact, I just start with my blogs again a couple of months ago.

If you are going to make money blogging, you have to learn to make money for you, a) you have to write content and get people interested in them, and b) you have to organize your ideas into an organized, professional. Of course there's more but those are the main ideas.

If you have five or six ads lined up unevenly, ! you're not going to make money. Instead, you are going to scar! e away y our visitors. Nobody wants to see that. Think about what programs are making more money for you, and those who do not.Then eliminate all that do not bring any benefit, and place the ads that make money, spread in various parts of your site and not bother your readers.

People hate ads and more so if it clogs the blog making it difficult to read your blog - in order to avoid this, limit the amount of ads and banners to two or three, and definitely no more than five. Try putting them in different spaces and see what ads work best - but believe me, making a few cents is better than losing all your visitors.

By R Gokarn

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