Friday, November 13, 2009

Get Girls to Like You

If you wanna get girls to like you just read this.

When it comes to getting a girl to like you, there are four basic things that you should keep in mind:

1. Have A Hobby: This will give you something to talk about when the two of you are out together and it will ! also make you more interesting to her. It does not have to be something wild like surfing or skateboarding, it can be as simple as reading, taking pictures or doing volunteer work. Even if it is not something that she does, it will still make you seem more interesting to her. And if you do happen to share a hobby, that gives you an excellent opportunity to ask her out on a date. And you may even be able to impress her by being particularly good at whatever hobby you choose.

2. Take Pride In Yourself: Most women will prefer guys who are confident and well liked. Women especially love men who are liked by other women. Taking pride in yourself will help bring the ladies to you. When you approach her, do not be timid or shy. And it is also important not to worry excessively about making her like you. She will definitely be able to tell when you are trying to hard. You will find that when ! you stop focusing on making her like you and instead focus on ! just rel axing and having fun, the conversation will flow more naturally. Remember to just be yourself.

3. Smell Good: No, this does not mean drowning yourself in cologne, it could be as simple as washing with a nice smelling soap or using a good smelling aftershave. Whenever in doubt, go with a body spray. They are not expensive and they are hard to mess up. You can buy them at most grocery stores or pharmacies in the hygiene aisle. The Axe collection is a great pick if you are having trouble deciding. Make sure that your breath is fresh, especially if you plan on getting close to her. Knocking her out with bad breath would not make a very good first impression! Some guys find it easier to keep a travel mouthwash or some gum with them at all times.

4. Make Her Laugh: Nothing makes a girl feel more at eas! e than making her laugh! This is great way to break the ice on a date or to keep a conversation going. You can make jokes, tell funny stories or make light jokes at yourself. Poking fun at yourself lets her know that you do not take yourself too seriously, this makes you seem very fun and relaxed. And this will put her at ease around you.

Getting a girl to like you is not as difficult as you probably think. A little bit of personality combined with good hygiene will get you very far in the world of women. And remember to have fun with it. If you really like a girl, you try to get her to like you too and it does not work out, that is okay. There will always be more girls out there. And as you grow, your taste changes and what you want changes. So just go with the flow and you will do great!

By Al! ton W Salazar

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